Young boy have 70 stitches because of dog bite

Theo Nhân dân 09:37 30/10/2019 - Baby & mom
23thAugust, Child Care Centre of Phu Tho General Hospital recieved Nguyen D (7 years old, Xuan Lung, Lam Thao) with a lot of bite marks on both legs.
Ảnh minh họa
Ảnh minh họa

The family of D said that he got attacked by a dog when going to the neighbours. Hearing his scream, the neighbours and family immediately went to him and send him to the hospital afterwards.

Dr Nguyen Duc Lan, the surgeon of D's case, reported that he had a 10x10 cm injury revealing tendons, a total of 30 wounds and the worst being a 5cm knee injury and many 2-3cm injury. The patient is immediately given a wash and treatment on the wound as well as rabies vaccination and other medications. After injury estimation, doctors have sew 70 times on injuries.

The dog was a ferocious half breed that is let free (not muzzled, not chained) thus causing the tragedy.

According to survey from Phu Tho General Hospital, since summer the Centre has received 10 dog bite cases. Some only got light scratches but there are also many major cases like D. Most of the case is due to negligence from the family with dogs and in some cases from the chid as well.

Doctors warned against letting children be in close proximity with dogs. Families with children should not have ferocious big dogs as pets. When having dog as pets, the dogs must be tamed, chained and vaccinated, if let out then they must be muzzled. If the situation gets worse, immediate treatment is needed before going to the nearest hospital

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